My name is Curt Eichelberger and I am 48 years old. I started drinking and doing most drugs from the age of 14. I grew up in the skateboarding and punk rock Scene.. a very heavy party scene. This carried on until I was in my 40’s.
I was over weight with bad health issues all from my years of drinking and drugging.. I would say partying but.. this was far from fun. I was hiding booze lying to family and friends.. I wasn’t drinking for fun I was drinking to maintain.
This past November things came to a breaking point for me with alcohol. I sought help and have become active in my recovery and the community. And I wanted to do something to help others like me that don’t fit the typical mold for recovery. So many of us have lost loved ones, friends, fellow artists, skaters, and musicians to drugs, alcohol & suicide.
We don’t always feel like we fit in or feel comfortable at conventional recovery meetings and needed a place to come together & support each other. That’s Skate Straight .. a support group for the ones that don’t fit in with typical traditional programs.
I have also become a Peer Recovery Specialist at Homeward Bound. I have dedicated my life to helping others and breaking the Stigma of addiction.
Curt writes to us from Texas and celebrates #1 year of continued sobriety on Nov 19, 2020. In honor to celebrate him we are posting his story here on his special day.
If you would like to know more about Curt or would like to congratulate him you can find him on Instagram right here